• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Water & Wastewater,Pipeline,General,Specialty Chemicals,Mining,Forestry
• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Water & Wastewater,Pipeline,General,Specialty Chemicals,Mining,Forestry
Biomimetics is the modelling or designing of systems or objects based on what is observable in nature. Examples include airplane wings modelled after bird wings, peristaltic pumps modelled after the human heart, and pre-stressed concrete modelled after spider silk. All are biomimetics on display.
Satelytics’ algorithms employ a variety of artificial intelligence techniques, which are essentially biomimetics of the human mind, to analyze the unique spectral signatures reflected off of constituents and objects present in our world. Our minds can tell the difference between a person and the family dog, distinguish between different species of dog, and discern what makes a house different from an office building. Likewise, Satelytics can distinguish a brine spill from a hydrocarbon spill, and can also distinguish spruce trees from fir trees — all automatically, delivering only alerts to the user when something is “off.”
Satelytics can distinguish different types of pipeline leaks.
Satelytics is not just change detection. It is so much more than comparing one image to another. Satelytics employs “thinking” (in the form of artificial intelligence), similar to that of the human mind, to identify the unique spectral reflectance of vegetation, then interpret that information to deduce characteristics such as speciation, coverage, height, and health. In the mining sector, we can look for the presence and concentration of particular metals, and even monitor and measure leaching occurring near a sensitive area surrounding the enclosed mining operations. For many additional examples, please review our website.
My professional experience as an engineer and chemist in a previous chapter of my career taught me a great deal about sampling of all types in the field, in the lab, in water, or in the air. If one wishes to measure something, there is almost always either a method or machine available, but manual sample collection is labor-intensive. The science behind Satelytics’ algorithms allows passive sampling and monitoring of unlimited areas in any location — and our current suite of 30+ algorithms is just the start. The constituents of interest are limitless, and our preprocessing of data allows us to grow as the sources of data grow. We build tools and measurements to solve specific challenges declared by our customers.
Take the guesswork and human error out of your field activities — while covering every square foot of your area of interest. Satelytics’ suite of algorithms can be run in concert from one set of data, allowing costs to be shared across user groups. Contact us today to put our biomimetic tools to work for you.