• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Water & Wastewater,Pipeline
• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Water & Wastewater,Pipeline
When I was young, I would snowmobile on the frozen Red River of the North near our house. I remember signs very similar to this one and not understanding why they were needed. I now know they serve as a warning to summer boaters who might anchor nearby and adjacent farming activities.
In the spring, the river would flood, and large ice flows would go crashing downstream to Lake Winnipeg to the north, eroding banks and smashing into the large cottonwood trees that lined the banks. I can still hear the sound in my mind today. The volume it produced was incredible. Sometimes these 70+ foot tall trees would lose their root support due to erosion and fall into the river to be carried downstream until they inevitably would become embedded in the deep sediment of the river bottom.
It wasn’t only buried infrastructure that demanded these warning signs. Overhead power poles and bridge supports were often battered by the ice too. At water crossings, fragility exists in the network for our utility and midstream customers.
Satelytics offers Constant Vigilance™ over high consequence areas (HCAs) like water crossings, but can also be engaged in response to seasonal disruptions, like the flooding described above. What are the capabilities and how could they reduce your company’s workload? Satelytics’ Constant Vigilance™ algorithms are perfectly suited to take over the mundane tasks that put precious personnel at risk.
Thousands of pipeline water crossings exist in the U.S.
Our geospatial analytics suite does not waver, and watches over every square foot of your asset areas for:
Monitoring river changes that impact pipelines.
Water crossings require approval for each body of water and tributary that infrastructure encounters, often at both state and federal levels, showing the level of scrutiny from regulators. And rightfully so — as they often supply drinking water and recreational enjoyment for populations large and small.
In my home state of North Dakota, water also has historical or sacred value for indigenous populations who have lived in the area for millennia. Satelytics’ experience with our industry customers has been nothing but positive as they desire to maintain the environments and relationships in the areas they operate.
Satelytics’ algorithms use the highest resolution imagery to get out ahead of threats and minimize consequences. If a pipeline is damaged due to a shoreline erosion, then product is lost, and the system is shut down while repairs are made. For our electric utility customers, it could be a transmission corridor through a marsh region that has been affected by natural disaster, making response a difficult endeavor.
Whatever the threat, Satelytics’ customers are choosing to eliminate the mundane from their workflows and reduce risk across their enterprises. Savings with Satelytics can be both physical and financial through reduction of insurance premiums.