• Oil & Gas,Pipeline,Mining
• Oil & Gas,Pipeline,Mining
>>> July 20, 2021 — Satelytics HQ — Perrysburg, OH
TECNA Group and Satelytics Inc. have announced a partnership designed to promote the commercial deployment of advanced geospatial analytics in Latin America’s oil & gas and mining sectors. This partnership will speed the adoption of disruptive technology to provide early identification of operational challenges in pipelines, mine assets, and oil & gas facilities in Latin America.
For more than 40 years, TECNA Group has provided specialized consultancy for the industrial, energy, and oil & gas sectors in Latin America. It is comprised of a group of companies with offices in Peru and Colombia (headquarters). TECNA ICE, part of TECNA Group, has built a strategic alliance with Satelytics, aimed at promoting data analytics mainly for the oil & gas and mining sectors in Latin America.
Satelytics, Inc., founded in 2015, is a U.S. software company offering geospatial analytics for its customers’ toughest challenges. Data acquired from satellites is processed through the satelytics.io engine to alert, locate, and quantify risk in the operator’s corridor and adjacent lands. Satelytics addresses industry challenges such as pipeline leak detection, acid mine drainage, vegetation management, land movement, encroachments, pipeline commodity theft, and changes in the corridor that might present risk. Results are delivered within hours of capturing the data and presented as text and email alerts.
According to Ricardo Alea Uzcátegui, IT Commercial Manager for TECNA ICE, “This alliance will provide greater value to our clients through innovation. The partnership takes advantage of the technological capabilities of both companies, contributing the knowledge of TECNA ICE in projects related to asset integrity management, asset risk management, and cathodic protection systems for these important sectors with Satelytics' experience in remote infrastructure surveillance.”
Sean Donegan, President and CEO of Satelytics, added, “Partnering with the expertise of TECNA ICE provides an exceptional opportunity. We believe that leveraging the exceptional TECNA ICE reputation in Latin America will extend our reach to Latin American energy companies. Our goal is to provide TECNA ICE with one more tool to provide exceptional service to current and new customers. Most importantly, this unique approach will offer risk mitigation to our clients. Early warning of threats will provide much-needed time for action with more options for a safe resolution.”
“The integration between Satelytics and TECNA’s PIDT Risk and Integrity Management software will offer new possibilities for preventing and mitigating damage to assets,” said Alea. “Companies will be able to optimize their inspection resources and improve their performance in risk management by having a web tool for constant surveillance of their assets in real-time.”
To learn more about this partnership visit satelytics.com/TECNA or tecna-ice.com/aliados-tecna-ice.
Satelytics overview.