• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Water & Wastewater,Pipeline
• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Water & Wastewater,Pipeline
Over the weekend I was at a birthday party for two of my nephews who were turning 4 years old. Pizza and cupcakes: what could be better? After the festivities, I was cleaning up and noticed that one of them had eaten only the frosting off of his cupcake. Of course, I laughed. But then my second thought was “maybe this could serve as an illustration for a Satelytics Insider article.” Ideas sometimes have strange origins. So here goes…
Satelytics’ customers keep coming back for two reasons.
First, we allow them to focus their precious resources only on prioritized threats of the utmost importance. With our AI-powered algorithms and a pre-processing platform able to ingest data from any source, we can take mundane monitoring duties off the daily task list. We utilize the highest resolution imagery to track and monitor threats down to a square foot in size. Think of a grid laid out over an asset area with each box measuring one foot by one foot…millions of boxes…terabytes of data…the very definition of Big Data!
Constant Vigilance™ means looking at several business challenges simultaneously.
Our Constant Vigilance™ algorithms detect and often quantify constituents for each of those boxes and alert to conditions outside of normal operating integrity window.
What is normal? You decide!
It could be an encroachment into a buffer zone that you define, a specific tree species, a methane plume’s proximity to population, arsenic concentration in water, the physical size of a hydrocarbon leak — the list goes on, ad infinitum. With geospatial analytics, anything is possible once the data has been obtained!
While mundane and repetitive tasks are not something at which humans excel, artificial intelligence makes quick work of such activities without mistakes.
The second reason Satelytics’ customers return is our ability to prevent consequences. Our company's ethos is to get out ahead of and prevent consequences including:
We provide Constant Vigilance™ over the areas that keep our customers up at night and alert to threats within hours after imagery is gathered. Illustrative of the time required for large asset areas to be monitored, we recently completed a project where we captured 1,000 km2 of an asset area in 13 minutes. After the satellite obtained the data, it was transmitted to the cloud for Satelytics’ processing. Alerts were then sent to the customer a few hours later!
Tying this back to my nephew’s cupcake illustration: our software takes a bite out of the boring part of your task list — the bottom of the cupcake. Let Satelytics run so you do not have to dwell on looking for problems. Your employees are then focused only on response to threats that require their attention — the proverbial frosting on the cake!