• Water & Wastewater
• Water & Wastewater
Our business development team is fortunate to hear questions and interests from innovative leaders from the water/wastewater industry who are seeking new tools to assess the state of their infrastructure and environment. We listen intently to these questions because they drive us to continuously improve the accuracy of our targeting of industry’s most pressing challenges.
Here is what we have been hearing from our existing and potential water/wastewater customers about the challenges they need help addressing:
Nutrient Load
It is not surprising that the ESG push seen in the industry is causing water managers to look more closely at the watershed areas under their management. Satelytics started life in the water industry to provide solutions for identifying point sources of nutrient load. This is still the number one area of interest for our current and prospective water customers. “Where do I have sources of phosphorous, nitrogen, and sediment load in the watershed?” and “Can it be quantified?” are questions we hear frequently. Address troublesome areas with geospatial analytics!
Satelytics' growing list of algorithms, all run on a single set of data
Change Detection
Watershed and reservoir managers employ Satelytics
to receive alerts to physical changes in their managed areas. Traditionally, this includes changes like construction of unpermitted docks, illegal clearing of the shoreline, and erosions. For some customers, Satelytics even ties these alerts back to property records so that operations personnel can address issues with landowners. High-resolution imagery can be employed to identify physical changes over large land and water areas.
Satelytics' change detection algorithms in action.
Vegetation Management
We have seen an increase in attention paid to vegetation management issues for watershed management. We have been asked to identify where sub-aquatic invasive species like hydrilla are growing unchecked. We have also been asked to identify specific species of floating weed beds as water managers assess risk to industrial water intakes. Satelytics’ vegetation management suite provides robust tools including speciation to reduce risk in the area of interest.
Satelytics' subaquatic vegetation identification.
All of our algorithms can be run on the same set of satellite imagery, whether the interest is biological, chemical, or physical. Alerts and analytical results area ready for viewing in a matter of hours after satellite overpass.
What are your needs? We are all ears. Reach out to us today if you face any of these challenges.