• Pipeline
• Pipeline
Our business development team is fortunate to hear questions and interests from innovative leaders at pipeline operations companies who are seeking new tools to assess the state of their infrastructure and environment. We listen intently to these questions because they drive us to continuously improve the accuracy of our targeting of industry’s most pressing challenges.
Here is what we have been hearing from our existing and potential pipeline operator customers about the challenges they need help addressing:
Encroachments and Damage Prevention
This is the bread and butter of what Satelytics does and the number one area of interest we hear from prospective midstream customers.
We are frequently asked, “Can you notify us of illegal construction, digging, land movements, water crossings, or other encroachment types near our infrastructure?” Satelytics uses high-resolution imagery (30-46 cm) to identify encroachments with specificity. Any object greater than the size of a dinner plate can be identified. The follow-on question is then, “How soon can you get us these alerts?” Our algorithms analyze data in the cloud and alerts are ready for viewing in a matter of hours after satellite overpass.
Satelytics' encroachment detection capabilities.
It is not surprising that with the ESG push seen in the industry, the ability to detect and quantify methane leaks is a high priority for pipeline operators. Satelytics is the only company able to detect and quantify leaks with enough specificity (within 4 meters) to address operational challenges from satellite data. Our methane algorithm works on land or water and the quantification piece is useful for compliance and reporting. We are also seeing interest in using the methane tool to drive the certification process for delivering certified gas sales to distributors.
Satelytics' methane emissions measurement capabilities.
Liquid Leak Detection
Satelytics’ Constant Vigilance™ suite of algorithms can identify liquid hydrocarbon and produced water leaks in transmission pipelines, gathering pipelines, and flow line networks. Recently, this capability is being sought as a second layer of protection to leak detection systems built into the network. Our Constant Vigilance™ algorithms detect leaks through direct identification of a hydrocarbon or a brine signature. Satelytics can also alert to subsurface leaks using surrogate indicators such as changes induced by vegetation uptake of liquids or land movements associated with the pipeline ROW.
Hydrocarbon liquid leak detection.
What are your needs? We are all ears. Reach out to us today if you face any of these challenges.