• General
Putting the Brakes on Runoff
Prevent soil and water body contamination.
- Problem: Undetected pollution of land and water.
- Solution: Satelytics' chemical analysis and source location.
- Benefit: Prevent damaging runoff.
In the western United States, the “first flush” rainfall — a significant rainfall event that follows an extended dry season — produces the highest runoff of contaminants. The first flush washes accumulated pollutants, like copper from automotive brake pads, off roadways and other surfaces into water bodies, potentially damaging delicate ecosystems, interrupting commercial fishing, and even polluting drinking water.
Satelytics’ AI-powered algorithms can highlight which areas have the highest particulate concentrations and runoff, showing where prevention and remediation efforts on land and in water would be most needed and effective. Ongoing monitoring of copper concentrations allows fluidity in prevention and remediation programs.
This use case, a 2015 project where Satelytics measured copper dust, is just one example that opens doors for so many more applications:
What’s in your water? Sediment loading, subaquatic vegetation, phosphorus, chlorophyll-a, phycocyanin, or any number of biological or chemical constituents… Satelytics can tell you what’s where and how much. Millions of point samples are available with the click of your mouse!
<VIDEO: Measure Water Quality from Satelytics Inc. on Vimeo.>
Too much fertilizer being applied? Let Satelytics show you where and where those extra nutrients are running off when it rains.
Why wait for the snow to melt? We can spot leaks and brine, even with surrounding snow cover, so you’re not surprised come spring!
What keeps you up at night? Satelytics will tailor a solution to fit your needs.