• Power Utilities
• Power Utilities
It has been a year of incredible growth for Satelytics. New projects, new algorithms, new customers — all exciting developments for a small Ohio company. Here is a quick overview of areas driving our growth in the power utility sector.
Utility Vegetation Management (UVM). Last year’s interest in satellite data and analytics has blossomed into widespread adoption this year, with transmission corridors and densely populated distribution areas being monitored by our Constant VigilanceTM algorithms. One Satelytics customer has dubbed their new program “proactive vegetation management,” getting ahead of problems before they become disasters by identifying and prioritizing areas needing immediate attention. For an in-depth discussion of what’s possible with Satelytics’ UVM algorithms, check out this previous series of articles.
Methane Leak Quantification.
Satelytics’ methane algorithm was the number one driver for our 2021 utility projects, and that growth continued into this year as well. As the push to reduce environmental emissions builds, so has the interest in our advanced leak detection capabilities. The financial benefit is substantial too, through reduction in the loss of valuable product before it ever reaches the end user. We expect 2023 to see even more dramatic growth in our advanced leak detection tools — as customers transition from successful pilot projects to system-wide implementation.
Change Detection. The unsung hero of our algorithm suite, change detection continues to be adopted by our utility customers. Encroachments along pipeline rights-of-way (ROWs) and in electric corridors continue to cost utilities millions of dollars yearly, but not with Satelytics. We alert to changes in ROWs down to a square foot in size, so you don’t miss a thing. This year, we have expanded our change detection capabilities to include state of construction and EV tracking for electrification programs.
Change detection, methane, vegetation, and all Satelytics’ algorithms can be run simultaneously on a single set of data, providing alerts to these challenges. It's not too late in the year to start a project or survey your utility’s asset area; Satelytics can access imagery in as little as 24 hours after a contract is signed, and analytics are available a few hours after satellite overpass.
Call us today to ring in the new year with a whole new set of geospatial data for your company’s asset area