• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Pipeline
• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Pipeline
In the monotonous grind of daily life, it’s the anomalies we recall most. When asked what we had for breakfast the previous morning, most people have no idea or pause to think of the answer, even if they consume the same meal regularly. Ask about the last time someone got into an accident — they can tell you immediately. It’s an event not easily forgotten.
The same can be said for leaks. No one remembers the day-to-day of oil and gas flowing without issue, but when there’s a big leak, everyone knows your business. While the court of public opinion may shout the loudest, there are more direct consequences about which to be concerned. Increases in insurance premiums and regulatory scrutiny, remediation and clean-up costs, and potential litigation — leaks unleash an abundance of additional costs. Not to mention the loss of product and profits.
Decisions must be made, weighing losses against the price of a solution. A common misconception is that consistent leak detection and prevention solutions are more costly than the occasional leaks. Satelytics repeatedly disproves this assumption, catching leaks days and weeks earlier than our clients would have with other resources.
Produced water, liquid hydrocarbon, oil, methane: you name it, we can find it. And measure it. Whether assets are buried, above ground, snow-covered, in remote locations, or spread over thousands of miles — Satelytics monitors for and alerts you to leaks, pointing you to the exact location of the source. Check out our Vimeo showcase of our oil & gas and pipeline capabilities, or schedule a personalized demonstration to learn more about what Satelytics can do for you!
You could wait for the next leak to occur — cleaning it up when it happens — and continue with the trickle of millions of dollars dripping here and there. But why? Discover The Satelytics Difference and save with leak detection today!