• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Pipeline,Specialty Chemicals,Mining
• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Pipeline,Specialty Chemicals,Mining
“Winter is coming.” Though popular in memes and jokes amongst fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones, this memorable motto of the House Stark carries some weight to it. In this fantasy world, the seasons don’t change at constant intervals. Therefore, the Starks of the north never know when the frigid temperatures and conditions of winter will strike — it could be within months or even years.
The same can be said of changing industry rules and regulations: one never quite knows if or when they’ll happen, but whispers of them are constant.
Coinciding with the events of COP26, two federal rules regarding methane were announced in November. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) finalized a rule extending federal oversight of 425,000 miles of gas gathering pipelines. Simultaneously, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new standards on methane emissions.
What does this mean for the energy industry? It is perhaps too early to predict, but one theme is indisputable: pressure continues to mount from investors, boardrooms, regulators, and the general public to go beyond the status quo. The energy industry must adopt new technology to respond to these pressures and come out on top. Satelytics is that new technology.
Industry can conquer these arguments by adopting the cutting-edge technology of Satelytics, demonstrating its responsible approach to energy production, and simultaneously taking control of the narrative by doing so with a scientific approach based on facts.
Satelytics' 40+ algorithms can help you document compliance.
Satelytics delivers actionable alerts and feeds compliance programs with real data, not modeled data.
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Whether these changes come today, tomorrow, or further in the future, “winter is coming…” Are you prepared?