• General
• General
My family loves to feed people. Many have sat at our table over the years, enjoying all sorts of homemade cuisine, from family recipes to classic comfort foods. No one ever leaves hungry. Invariably, when a dinner guest has had their fill and can’t possibly feast anymore, my father will proceed to ask if they need another serving. Unphased by their polite response of, “I’m fine,” he quips with, “But you could be better.” And thus, a Midwest hospitality catchphrase was born.
We’ve lived through many rapid changes in the past two years, and as the world tries to find its rhythm again, it’s easy to slip back into the attitude of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But my father’s words echo in the back of my mind, “You could be better.”
Maybe the current technology you’re employing to detect leaks is doing its job, alerting you to oil leaks. But what about methane leaks? Satelytics can alert you to oil, produced water, and methane leaks within hours of detection. And our technology even calculates the flow rate of methane leaks — a feat not matched by other remote sensing solutions.
Methane measurement — concentration and flowrate.
Want to know what’s in your water? You can take the time to collect a few point samples and extrapolate the rest, or you can hand the task over to Satelytics and receive millions of sample data points for chemical and biological species over your entire waterbody — all without field or lab work.
Water quality analysis — a large suite of measurements.
Imagine spotting a single tree, vehicle, or other encroachment in your right-of-way with a click, rather than sending employees into the field to search for potential issues along thousands of miles of railways, utility lines, or pipelines. And wouldn’t it be nice to monitor vegetation and forests from the comfort of your office?
Monitor for intrusions on your right-of-way.
This isn’t wishful thinking. With Satelytics, this is reality. It’s The Satelytics Difference.
Perhaps you’re satisfied with the tools and technology you have now, “but you could be better.”