• General
• General
“I didn’t know that was possible. At what frequency can you monitor? What constituents can be surveyed? How are alerts received?” These are some of the common questions I receive when talking to potential customers.
My reply: “Would you like to see for yourself?” A Satelytics demonstration shows real data from projects our customers have completed, not just another slide presentation.
When you see a demonstration, you are benefiting from the contributions of industry peers to advance technology. Satelytics builds algorithms to address the challenges that regularly plague our customers, like encroachments and infrastructure leaks. Today, we offer more than forty algorithms — all thoughtfully designed to solve these real-world problems. We direct the time and resources to calibrate each new algorithm, working in the field with our partners and customers to ensure accuracy.
Satelytics shows how alerts are presented to respective asset managers, displaying how our Professional Services team works with clients to customize and classify alerts. This includes structuring projects, so results aren’t overwhelming, allowing users to integrate Satelytics into their workflows and gain maximum benefit.
The results of our analytics have built up a customer following of industry leaders, many of whom will speak publicly about their journey with Satelytics’ geospatial analytics. Together with industry expertise, we continue to grow our capabilities, offering our services to an ever-expanding array of energy sectors.
But enough talk. Let us show you Satelytics in action.