• Power Utilities
• Power Utilities
Change detection, the bread and butter of our algorithm suite, continues to be adopted by our utility customers. We alert to changes in transmission and distribution corridors down to a square foot in size, so you don’t miss a thing, monitoring your entire asset area.
Encroachments along electric corridors continue to cost utilities millions of dollars yearly, but not with Satelytics. Satelytics monitors natural and third-party conditions: land movement, erosion, flooding, strike threat potential, construction, illegal activity, and more. Each alert supplies exact details about the encroachment, including alert type specifics, exact location coordinates, severity assessments, and pertinent measurements.
Monitor entire asset areas for encroachments.
Similarly, we can keep an eye on the state of urban construction projects for utilities. Projects like new housing developments involve a variety of contractors, and communication as to when utilities can run in services isn’t always prompt. This is where Satelytics comes in. Rather than driving around town or endless phone calls, Satelytics’ change detection alerts you to varying stages of construction — land cleared, foundation laid, new structures, roofing installed, etc. — allowing for planning and readying of crews and resources needed.
Keep an eye on the progress of construction.
The newest application of change detection Satelytics offers our customers is detecting conflation — indicating where infrastructure is versus where our customers have on record. Whether by feet or meters, obtaining accurate asset locations not only betters our services, but yours as well.
See where your assets are, not where you were told they were.
Change is constant, but so are our algorithms. Request a demonstration to see what Satelytics can do for you, and never miss a thing again.