• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Pipeline
• Oil & Gas,Power Utilities,Pipeline
Satelytics’ actionable alerts allow our customers to be proactive, getting ahead of challenges. A growing use case for our client base has been work verification, an “after the fact” solution. Many of the larger organizations with whom we work rely heavily on contractors to ensure assets are maintained and performing optimally. Satelytics is their eye in the sky, ensuring every contracted dollar spent achieves the desired result.
Ensure contracted work is completed.
The following are the most common use cases for work verification Satelytics encounters:
Tree Trimming. Vegetation management in utility corridors is a constant cycle tackled by contracted crews. Satelytics’ Constant Vigilance™ not only directs these contractors where to go and when, but also can be applied to verify that the work has been completed. Satelytics spots remaining encroachments and employs automated change detection to ensure trimming was completed in the agreed-upon time frame.
Detailed work verification, at your fingertips.
Vegetation Cover. Revegetation over pipeline rights-of-way (ROWs) and oil & gas production areas is environmentally and financially important. Environmentally, revegetation efforts ensure both infrastructure and surrounding natural habitats are protected. Financially, revegetation is often tied to a bond to ensure land is returned to its pre-construction state. Satelytics can speciate grasses, show where ground cover has been restored, and track the growth of replanted trees and shrubs for our customers. Additionally, our monitoring services notify customers if mowing and spraying efforts are adequately executed.
Satelytics’ Constant Vigilance™ monitors your corridors and ROWs, using 30-50 cm spatial resolution to provide details on vegetation. Alerts and analytics are displayed on our web platform and this data can be passed through to internal workflow management software via APIs for safe and easy integration.
Keep your contractor budgets on track and infrastructure in pristine condition with Satelytics’ work verification. Talk to us about seeing a tailored demonstration today!