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• General
Internet, electricity, gas: all are ubiquitous, and their delivery is usually reliable. But when the services we rely on become unavailable, it is a big disruption in our lives. For our customers, downtime brings pressure from customers and often steep fines from regulators — in addition to repairs and remediation costs.
As a result, damage prevention programs are a must to counter downtime. Satelytics’ geospatial analytics supports damage prevention programs, highlighting where risk exists in natural and man-made forms within asset territories.
To start, Satelytics works with our customers to determine the monitoring frequency for their area and budget by performing land and vegetation classification assessments. Understanding how land is used dictates the recommended monitoring frequency for optimal threat detection. For example, rural and agricultural areas may only require seasonal monitoring. In urban areas, assets experience near-constant pressure from encroachments and human influence, requiring more frequent monitoring.
After determining when and where to look, our Constant Vigilance™ algorithms get to work, accurately detecting environmental changes like loss of cover, land movements, flooding, vegetation growth, and water quality conditions. Human-induced threats detected by Satelytics include digging, construction, vehicle and structure encroachments, and illegal activity.
Satelytics’ algorithms analyze high-resolution imagery to detect changes and objects down to the size of a dinner plate, with revisit frequencies up to several times per week. With these capabilities, our customers leave no stone unturned. Boost your damage prevention program with Satelytics’ proactive monitoring today!