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We recently returned from a great week in Texas at the American Gas Association’s Operations Conference and Biennial Exhibition. There was a high level of interest in Satelytics as the industry looks to reduce emissions, digitalize operations, and lessen risk. Here are some questions we received at our booth from forward-thinking clients and the answers we shared.
Does Satelytics own satellites?
No. Satelytics is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company and data agnostic. We source imagery from many different commercial satellite vendors. Data captured from UAS and fixed-wing sensors can be analyzed as well.
How is satellite imagery priced?
Imagery is priced by a combination of the area to be monitored and frequency. As area and frequency increase, significant cost benefits can be achieved. Learn more about pricing here.
What size of area can be monitored?
In most cases, the minimum area of interest is 100 km2 (38 mi2). There is no maximum area.
How often can an area be surveyed?
Today, high-resolution (30-50 cm pixels) satellite imagery can be obtained daily for locations worldwide.
How long does it take to survey an area?
Commercial satellites gather imagery — covering thousands of square miles — in minutes. Satelytics analyzes the data and delivers actionable alerts within hours of receiving satellite data.
How quickly are results obtained?
Satelytics’ Constant Vigilance™ algorithms alert to threats a few hours after satellite overpass.
Who has access to the results?
Satelytics offers access to unlimited customer-specified users on our web platform, satelytics.io. Data can also be downloaded to existing business software platforms via APIs.
Satelytics is committed to providing the best possible experience for our customers, beginning with answering questions about our services. Satelytics provides many measurements from a single satellite image for one cost, driving value across your organization. We are constantly expanding our offerings with new algorithms, too.
Is there a question we haven’t answered? View our FAQ channels or contact us!