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Conversations with our customers over regulations are constant. That’s okay, because we have a solution. Satelytics supports our customers with the most advanced methane quantification capability available on the market.
A common lament is regulators’ low methane leak thresholds make handheld laser analyzers the only solution available — devices reliant on field technicians in a time when personnel constraints are ubiquitous. These analyzers have to be held right on top of the source to detect methane, meaning there is only so much ground leak survey teams can cover. This stretches revisit frequencies to years between surveys. There is a better way.
While a team of qualified field technicians armed with gas sniffers can certainly measure lower values, there is value to being able to monitor entire distribution areas on a monthly or bi-monthly basis — which is possible with Satelytics.
What started as a trickle of a leak grew exponentially in a month and a half.
Surveying an enormous asset area is a challenge that requires a unique approach. Satelytics analyzes data sourced from commercially available high-resolution satellites, providing rapid alerts to methane leaks. Our methane algorithm quantifies leak rates down to 54 SCFH (1 kg/hr) and plume concentrations as small as 250 ppmXm over entire distribution networks. Alerts include these measurements and coordinates of the leak’s source, accurate within 4 meters, so our customers know exactly where to send technicians.
Satelytics alerts to exact leak locations and measurements.
Satelytics does not work for regulators or NGOs, only industry. We support our customers as they approach regulators for approval of advanced leak detection technologies like ours. How we can serve you on your methane and regulatory journey? Let’s talk.