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Satelytics is proud to announce we’ve partnered with Envu to provide their RangeView™ program with geospatial analytics. RangeView is a digital ranching platform that helps ranchers create a plan to identify and eliminate certain invasive grass and brush species. By combining the geospatial analytics from Satelytics with RangeView's digital planning tools and the long-lasting effects of Rejuvra® and Invora® herbicides, ranchers can harness guaranteed control of certain invasive grass and brush species. This powerful approach can help to reestablish native species, restore productivity to rangelands, and increase forage quality for an overall improved ROI.
This is a world-first solution for the speciation and quantification of invasive grass and brush species in pasturelands using high-resolution satellite imagery and an innovative pricing model. Envu and Satelytics are now monitoring thousands of acres of ranchland in the western United States to direct the treatment of invasive species, improve cattle health, and maintain healthy vegetation biodiversity.RangeView's groundbreaking rangeland monitoring, with speciation powered by Satelytics.
With invasive species detection powered by Satelytics, the RangeView digital platform directs ranchers to the pastures in need of herbicide treatment, offering them the most bang for their buck. The first invasive species we targeted was cheatgrass, which has become ubiquitous across the American west. Envu and Satelytics are also accurately assessing mesquite proliferation in Texas. Riding on those successes, we jointly continue to train algorithms to detect ventenata, medusahead, and leafy spurge.
What other vegetation management needs would benefit your business? Whether invasive species or other forms of vegetation management, Satelytics is your vegetation analytics supplier.