• Power Utilities
• Power Utilities
Solar farms have been around for decades, becoming more efficient with time and technology. Today, solar power is being pointed to as a key component in what some hope to be a clean energy revolution. But being “clean” doesn’t mean that solar farms are maintenance-free.
The voltage and current outputs of solar cells vary, affected by changes in lighting, temperature, panel tilt, sun angle, cloud cover, vegetation, and soiling. Soiling, the accumulation of material on the light-sensing part of solar cells, can be caused by any number of substances: pollen, mineral dust, bird droppings, fungi, agricultural admissions, engine exhaust, and more.
Soiling, vegetation, and other forms of cover cause even bigger problems for paralleled solar cells, a series of interconnected cells. One parallel cell, with its energy intake and production hindered by substances like dust, can affect the rest of the cells it’s connected to — even if the rest of them are clean.
Satelytics shows you which panels need maintenance.
With these vast solar plants comprised of hundreds of panels, which are made up of thousands or more of individual cells, how can problem areas be located? The solution is a combination of algorithms in Satelytics’ Constant Vigilance™ suite:
Satelytics can also help monitor hard-to-access panels, like these rooftop panels.
Satelytics takes the guesswork out of finding problem areas and potential threats to your business, infrastructure, and bottom line. Want an accurate, efficient solution? Give us a call today.