• Pipeline
• Pipeline
Energy companies have built robust networks that typically operate safely for decades. However, accidents do happen, and large assets face a myriad of threats that can trigger them. Satelytics’ goal is to alert our customers to threats before they become disasters. These disasters come in the form of product loss, infrastructure damage, and harm to the public or environment – likely all three.
Our pipeline customers look to us to monitor geohazards, sinkholes, liquid leaks, encroachments, and vegetation cover along their rights-of-way. Satelytics identifies pipeline segments that have lost vegetation or soil cover, becoming exposed to the environment. If soil protection around assets fails, our Constant Vigilance™ algorithms also identify exposed metal, coated, and plastic flowline pipe segments.
In mere weeks, this pipeline risks exposure due to land movement.
Identification of exposed pipeline is especially important in areas prone to land movements, like water crossings or rugged terrain, as they can experience a wider range of environmental conditions. Most of our customers know where their system pain points — high consequence areas (HCAs) — exist. At the beginning of every monitoring program, we help customers determine the optimal frequency to monitor every corner of an asset area, down to the square foot. HCAs require a more frequent revisit schedule to proactively monitor for risks, which Satelytics takes into account.
Satelytics tailors your monitoring plan to your needs and budget. We use the highest spatial resolution (30-50 cm pixel size) imagery available, allowing us to spot even the smallest segments of exposed pipelines or disturbed soil.
Call us today to discuss a layered monitoring approach for your midstream system, including identification of exposed pipelines.