• Oil & Gas,Pipeline
• Oil & Gas,Pipeline
“Pipeline Spills 70,000 Gallons of Oil in Wisconsin” December 14, 2024
“Approximately 1,000 Barrels of Produced Water Spilled in McKenzie County” December 11, 2024
“10,000 Gallons of Produced Water from a Pipeline Leak in Billings County” December 12, 2024
“3,880 Barrels of Produced Water Spilled by a Leaking Pipeline” November 26, 2024
We’re off to a rough start to winter pipeline leak season. Numerous reports of pipeline leaks that continued unnoticed for some time have plagued the headlines in the past month. Each of these is likely to run up a bill in the multi-million dollar range for the operators of these pipelines. Each of these is likely to again inflame the ire of regulators and landowners. Each of these was avoidable.
Our oft-repeated mantra: “Early detection minimizes risk, avoids escalating costs and impacts on the environment, and lessens the toll of public exposure.” Caught earlier, each of these pipeline leaks could have been stopped before encountering any of the consequences mentioned above.
Satelytics has offered proven, effective liquid hydrocarbon and produced water leak detection products since 2016. They were proven in extensive, real-world testing via the iPIPE program in 2018 – 2020 when weekly monitoring of 12 pipeline operators’ assets was accomplished weekly under independent, third-party assessment and scrutiny. They have since been proven by a major North Dakota operator who has employed Satelytics to monitor its entire North Dakota infrastructure weekly, spread across 4,000 square miles. Satelytics is cited as the identifying party in several entries in a North Dakota regulator’s public spills database. Satelytics has also been proven in California, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.
Produced water and liquid hydrocarbon leak detection, proven effective in the real world.
Geospatial analytics applied to pipeline leak detection is no longer a science project in pilot trials. It is proven effective. More than that, it is necessary to ensure leaks not detected by your SCADA systems are caught before your company endures needless repercussions.
In April 2024, the nation’s leading reinsurer invited Satelytics to discuss our solution at their headquarters, where they told us that produced water spills are the number one claim payout they have. They are deadly serious about limiting this financial exposure.
Don’t kid yourself. Pipelines eventually have accidents. The key is to limit the damage from these accidents. Call us today to explore case studies demonstrating how Satelytics is helping customers insure against the inevitable.