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The spotlight is on a number of industries throughout the world, marking them as major methane emitters. We see this every day, working with utilities, pipeline operators, and oil & gas producers looking to quickly repair leaks and prevent massive emissions. Other industries are also mixed into this fold, like agriculture and waste management.
Especially in the case of methane plumes, winds can push emissions over a neighbor’s assets, making it increasingly difficult to determine the leak source — frequently leading to emissions being attributed to the wrong party. Beyond the “blame game,” this expands the time taken to find and remediate a leak, increasing fugitive emissions.
By analyzing high-resolution satellite imagery and delivering results within hours of data capture, Satelytics monitors large swaths of land with accuracy and ease, avoiding the misattribution of emissions. This is how we first looked at landfill emissions. There were a few landfills that overlapped with our customers’ AOIs. With Satelytics, these customers were able to prove that certain plumes originated from neighboring landfills, armed with data including plume concentrations and flow rates.
Incorrectly credited to the utility powering the neighboring housing developments, Satelytics identified these methane plumes coming from the landfill.
While not spread over tens of thousands of miles like our utility and pipeline customers, landfills have their own unique challenges when it comes to locating and measuring methane emissions. Most often, handheld monitors are used, requiring employees to make the treacherous trek throughout a landfill to collect point samples. This supplies limited data, as not all sections of a landfill can be sampled due to safety concerns, and presents risk to personnel — even with the most dangerous and unstable locales being skipped. The alternative is continuous sensors placed at specific points, which present similar holes in methane monitoring.
Operators are challenged with surveying the entire landfill for methane, but Satelytics isn’t.
Satelytics takes on customers’ most pressing challenges such as these, providing all the data and details needed while keeping employees out of harm’s way. Whether leaking from a pipeline, flare, or landfill, Satelytics detects methane, measuring flow rates and locating the leak’s source, all over the world. Don’t let others point out what may or may not be your emissions. Be in the know with Satelytics.