Look to the Skies

• General

Look to the Skies

Satelytics taps rapidly expanding array of imagery sources.

  • Problem: Limited observation frequency.
  • Solution: More satellite choices.
  • Benefit: We analyze many data sources.

Satelytics is leading the charge in the energy industry. We proudly serve some of the biggest names in the energy sector. Our cutting-edge technology delivers alerts within hours by harnessing commercially available satellite sensors to capture imagery over our customers' infrastructures. Imagine accessing daily, high-resolution (down to a square foot) analysis of images of your assets, no matter where they are in the world!

While we focus on the present, we're also excited about the near future. Just look up to the skies — the earth observation industry is soaring. For proof, follow SpaceX on social media. SpaceX continues to make history with a record-setting launch rate, transporting over 60 earth observation satellites simultaneously, each delivering invaluable data from multispectral, hyperspectral, SAR, weather, and optical sensors. Because Satelytics is data agnostic, analyzing information from a variety of satellite sensors, our customers benefit from increased frequency of observation and ever-improving sensor suites.

We consider data sources to be ingredients in our secret recipe. We gather raw imagery from your asset areas, and then our 40+ algorithms kick in, analyzing that data in the cloud. This means alerts about potential threats to your infrastructure — whether physical, chemical, or biological — are delivered hours after the satellite passes overhead. You can view alerts on our web portal or download them to your preferred internal platform. And, with Satelytics OTG™, you can access vital data even in areas without connectivity!

Satelytics OTG™ — actionable results available even when connectivity is absent.

Satelytics OTG™ actionable results available even when connectivity is absent.

40+ algorithms provide an array of actionable results from a single data set.

40+ algorithms provide an array of actionable results from a single data set.

Today, our largest customers monitor their assets several times a week, drastically reducing risks for energy delivery systems. Just think about what that frequency could look like in the coming years! With investments in the space industry growing at lightning speed, Satelytics is perfectly positioned to leverage this data stream, transforming imagery into actionable insights.

Join us on this exciting journey into the future of earth observation! Contact us to discover how today’s hypergrowth of satellite imagery platforms helps us deliver more solutions to our customers.

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