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Controlling invasive species has always been one of the most significant challenges for landowners and ranchers worldwide. With plant species like cheatgrass, medusahead, and ventenata spreading rapidly, the task of maintaining healthy rangelands can feel overwhelming. These invaders don't just reduce forage for livestock; they create economic losses exceeding $420 billion annually on a global scale.
Traditional methods often require manual inspection across vast, challenging terrains — a time-consuming and expensive approach where problem areas are easily missed. Left unchecked, infestations can spiral out of control, decimating landscapes, reducing productivity, and putting livelihoods on the line. What if there was a precise, efficient, and proactive way to tackle this growing issue?
Satelytics and Envu, via its RangeView™ decision-making tool, are redefining invasive species control with smart technology that empowers landowners to safeguard their ranches like never before. Through AI-powered analysis of high-resolution multispectral satellite imagery, Satelytics identifies invasive species. This information is plugged directly into Envu's RangeView™ platform, giving ranchers a detailed digital roadmap of where to focus herbicide efforts. The result? Precise, actionable insights that conserve resources while restoring landscapes to their natural productivity.
Satelytics results presented within RangeView™ for a complete solution.
Through Envu’s RangeView™ platform, ranchers gain a user-friendly dashboard synced with updates from Satelytics. The platform overlays critical geospatial analytics with Envu’s rangeland details, allowing ranchers to prioritize actions. The ability to deliver scalable insights from satellites lets ranchers save time and resources like never before. It’s not about spraying more; it’s about spraying smarter.
With invasive species spanning continents, the partnership between Satelytics and Envu is also bringing this innovative solution to Europe. The goal is to replicate the success stories of North America by tackling pervasive weeds in European farmlands and rangelands.
Why wait until invasive species have caused irreversible damage? With high-resolution analytics and detailed, targeted insights from Satelytics, your landscapes can thrive again. Discover how geospatial analytics can transform your invasive species management strategy. Contact us today to learn about implementing Satelytics with solutions like RangeView™, and take the first step toward reclaiming your lands!