Right-of-Way Classification

• Power Utilities

Right-of-Way Classification

Measure vegetation density and health in the ROW.

  • Problem: Vast ROWs to assess, maintain.
  • Solution: AI measures, classifies ROWs.
  • Benefit: Optimize ROW maintenance.

Managing vegetation over vast distances can feel like a never-ending task for pipeline and electric transmission operators. Traditionally, this involves a cycle-based approach to right-of-way (ROW) maintenance. Imagine having thousands of miles to cover — every year, only a few hundred miles might get mowed, brushed, or sprayed. Enter Satelytics: our cutting-edge vegetation grading technology can swiftly and cost-effectively scan extensive ROWs, classifying segments based on the density and health of surface vegetation, so you can allocate your resources more efficiently.

Vegetation density typically falls into four categories. At one end, we have Grade 1 corridors, overtaken by trees and brush, making access nearly impossible and limiting visibility. These areas are often neglected or in the process of being reclaimed. To restore access for personnel and maintenance activities, heavy brushing and logging are necessary. Grade 2 corridors may feature some small trees or brush and have usually gone without maintenance for more than five years. For both Grade 1 and 2, aerial patrols struggle to assess assets due to the obstructing foliage.

On the lighter side, Grade 3 and 4 ROWs have received regular maintenance but are at different stages in the cycle. Both offer a good line of sight and are primed for herbicide treatments. A Grade 3 area might have the occasional small tree or bush needing mechanical removal, while Grade 4 corridors can often traverse urban, water, or agricultural landscapes unaffected by wild vegetation.

Allocate resources more efficiently with measurements of the ROW.

Allocate resources more efficiently with measurements of the ROW.

Through conversations with our customers, we've found that there’s often uncertainty about the true condition of their corridors, given the vastness of these corridors. As budgets and environmental cycles shift, so does the focus on vegetation management. It's not uncommon for vegetation budgets to be among the first areas cut when financial pressures mount.

That’s where a land classification project with Satelytics comes in. We empower you with precise area calculations and geographical locations for each vegetation grade, along with insights on the health of vegetation in those zones. Factors like drought or blight can significantly impact how frequently a ROW needs clearing or treatment.

ROW classification example.

ROW classification example.

Investing in vegetation grading with Satelytics is a smart move that can optimize your ROW planning and maintenance program — let's tackle those challenges together!

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