• Power Utilities
• Power Utilities
Freezing rain accumulated almost non-stop over a 48-hour period, covering everything in a quarter inch of ice for one Satelytics customer. This made for dangerous travel and severely damaged the region’s electrical grid, with falling trees and branches knocking out power. In scenarios like this, Satelytics’ utility customers take advantage of their data archives and monitoring alerts to prioritize their storm damage assessment and response.
What is a data archive? It is a historical log of activities and threats that have affected customers’ large asset areas. Satelytics doesn’t delete data, so customers’ data archives go back to the beginning of their monitoring projects — whether that is 10 weeks or 10 years ago.
Satelytics’ Constant Vigilance™ algorithms analyze every pixel, down to the square foot, for conditions and substances of interest. For a utility, this could include a tree’s height, species, and health; encroachments in the wire zone; land movement; and more. Every single tree in the asset area receives a unique identification number, so its condition and characteristics can be monitored over the lifetime of a program. Our customers use all of this data to build models for their tree trimming and maintenance schedules.
A Satelytics data archive is also highly beneficial in disaster response situations like the ice storm mentioned above. Satelytics’ algorithms provide alerts to damages a few hours after satellite overpass. With an accurate data archive, damaged trees and infrastructure can be quickly assessed and tagged to direct response crews to areas needing immediate remediation.
Satelytics exists to help our customers in times of need, reducing the down time of damaged energy systems. With the increases in severe weather over the last decade, now more than ever, it’s important to be prepared. Are you?